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Explore Desiree's Work

New Arrivals


Past, Present, and Future

a blue typewriter and two "Quetzalli's Last Song" books are on a wooden table

The Brum Hesles Series

June 2024

a ceramic sculpture of two rats pulling a rope to which a chunk of cheese is atached. A little girls climbs the cheese.

The 'unsUStainable' Collection

May 2024

a 1920's Black and white picture of a mexican boy in traditional attire

Poem: No Te Extraño

December 2020

You can see a sample of the "Tata's Earrings" front cover  and a second book, in front, that is open. In it, we see colorful illustrations of a little girl skipping through a mediterranean town's street. Another illustration shows the same little girl looking at her coastal town trough a rock window. The town has many white houses clustered together and, on top of the hill, you can see a church and a mosque.

Tata's Earrings Wins The Middle East Book Award

September 2018

This image is part of a scene on a You Tube stop motion promo video. A little girl, who is the main character of  the "Tata's Earrings" picture book, is waving at a small, red origami bird that she released from a white cage. As she waves, her magical earings are glowing blue as, by freeing the bird, she has done a beautiful,  magical thing. The character appears to be a paper cuttout, and her hair looks and moves like real hair does.

First Stop Motion Project

March 2017

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